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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 4, 2012 12:00am-1:05am EDT

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we'll see you here tomorrow. tonight on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> tonight, one of the only nights of a year where you might actually hear someone say, honey, turn on c-span. >> amy poehler. >> did you watch the debates? >> i haven't yet but i hope that barack is wearing a redeather suit and never comments on it. >> alan arkin. >> i grabbed him by the throughout and i said, shut up! >> and music from garbage. >> how are you, my brother from a totally separate mother? >> i'm good, bro. >> an all-new "jimmyimmel live," coming up next.
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel. in celebration of their 85th anniversary, the craftsman brand is rebuilding a 1965 ford mustang. and they're giving it away to one lucky human. this step-by-step restoration is being captured each week on, which means you can watch the car that could be yours being transformed. right before your eyes. winner will be revealed november 2nd and the more you watch, the more chances you have to win. interestingly enough, we did a similar restoration on guillermo when we first found him. ♪
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>> jimmy: look at that. >> thank you for restoring me, jimmy. >> jimmy: it is my pleasure, guillermo. >> i feel as good as you. >> jimmy: well, you are better than new. you are a classic. >> dicky: go to for more details on how to win this fully rebuilt '65 mustang. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with amy poehler, alan arkin and music from garbage. well, that ends today. the craftsman c3 line. one battery, more than 30 tools and the power to tackle any job that stands in your way. you're welcome. the c3 line. only from craftsman.
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trust. in your hands. for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence?
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what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. have youdéja, deja-vu?, deja, the headphone jack is going to be on the bottom. (explosion noise) welcome back! guess the galaxy s3 didn't work out. no, i love the gs3. it's awesome. i'm just saving a spot in line for someone. hey! hey! mom, dad! oh, thanks for holding our spot. you guys have fun. home by midnight you two. hahaha vo: the next big thing is already here. the samsung galaxy s3. wait honey, this is the line for apps. i stand... yep! >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- amy poehler. alan arkin. and music from garbage. with cleto and the cletones. and now, if you don't mind, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live"
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. hola. welcome. that's very nice. hi there, i'm jimmy, i'm the host othe show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for being here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] i had a feeling you were planning something, and you got me again. well, it was a big night for american politics, tonight, the first presidential debate of 2012. tonight was one of the only nights of the year when you might actually hear someone say, honey, turn on c-span. the debate took place at the university of denver in colorado, it was moderated by jim lehrer from pbs and sponsored by mountain dew code red. they have sponsors. this is the first debate, it's key because if a candidate does well, they can sometimes go on to become president. so, you really want to have a good showing. the debate, i think, it's still
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happening right now as we tape the show. the candidates decided who would get to speak first tonight via a coin toss, which was confusing for mitt romney, they had to explain what a coin was. he had never seen one before. [ laughter ] and it also happens to be, tonight happens to be the obama's 20th wedding anniversary. that seems very convenient. honey, i'd love to go to the ballet with you, but i'm debating mitt romney that night. hey, mitt, help me out, will you? [ laughter ] according to "the new york times," team romney has been working on what they call zingers for mitt to use tonight. just an fyi, if you call it a zinger, probably isn't one. we got some zingers, we got some whimsy, we've got some farcical remarks tonight. romney has reportedly been rehearsing these for months. his staff said he started working on them in august. even hired a company to write zingers for him. you know, he hired a company that we sometimes use here at
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the show to write jokes for us, so, i thought we should ask them about it. you i believe we have them on video chat right now. see if we can hook into it. hello. >> iphone 5 map app help center. how are you not today? >> jimmy: no, no, it's me, jimmy kimmel. >> oh, hi, mr. jimmy kimmel. jimmy kimmel, how are you, my brother from a totally different mother? >> jimmy: i am -- i'm good, bro. so, hey, i -- the reason i'm calling is that i heard mitt romney hired you to write zingers for his debate tonight. >> ah, yes. mr. mittens romney paid us handsomely for our top notch zingers of the president obama. >> jimmy: he did. how -- >> we worked with mr. romney for many years. >> jimmy: i didn't know. what have you been doing for him for many years? >> we write his jokes and we make his dockers.
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>> jimmy: you make his dockers? oh, yeah, they are -- they are dockers. all right. [ laughter ] it's okay if he sits down now. i got it. i didn't know any of that. so, can you share some of the zingers that didn't make it into tonight's debate? >> oh, most certainly. we will get our king of zing to deliver them. roger! >> jimmy: great, yeah, get him. >> roger! roger -- jimmy kimmel. >> oh, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh, wow, look at that. very realistic. >> we make mr. romney masks. >> jimmy: oh, you do. they look very good. >> knock, knock. >> jimmy: ah, who's there? >> kenya. >> jimmy: kenya who? >> can you believe that obama
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was born in america? we cannot! >> jimmy: all right, that's -- that's cute, that's cute. do you have another one? >> how obamas does it take to change a lightbulb? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> zero. they're all in the dark and it will change by itself. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, look at that. it's obama. >> we make many mistakes. >> jimmy: i can see that. it looks like that might be on backwards, though. >> oh. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, there we go. hey, give us one more joke and i'll let you go, all right? >> okay, let's go. president obama -- >> jimmy: yeah, give us a good one.
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yeah. there's no rush. there's no rush. >> president obama is so -- >> jimmy: wait a minute. he's not fat at all! >> president obama is so fat -- >> jimmy: he's as skinny as a rail, but -- >> president obama is so fat -- >> jimmy: all right, how fat is he? >> he is so fat they had to make the oval office round to fit him. >> jimmy: oh. >> see, in india, he is considered very, very fat. >> jimmy: oh, i see, okay, that makes sense. all right, well, thanks so much, guys. [ applause ] thank you. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: there you go. [ applause ] there was -- there was another very heated debate today.
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this had nothing to do with american politics but it was "american idol." "american idol" comes back in january, with new judges mariah carey and nicki minaj. they shot some of the audition yesterday and you see here, they getting along just great. >> think it's a joke in think it's a joke? say one more disrespectful thing to me, if you say one more disrespectful thing to me, off with your head. >> i'm not being disrespectful. >> off with your head. don't tell me i'm inadequate. you gonna get sent -- i don't feel inadequate. you're the inse secure one sitting up here. if you got a [ bleep ] problem here -- i told them, i'm noll [ bleep ] putting up with your [ bleep ] highness over here. >> why, oh why, do i have a 3-year-old sitting around me. >> i'm not sitting here for 20 minutes and having to listen to her resume every day.
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>> i can't see my kids because you decided to have a little baby fit and going all around the stage. >> you're boring at [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: the best part is poor keith urban awkwardly sitting in between them. they really got into it, though. it's like the real housewives of "american idol" or something. on this season of "american idol," extensions will be pulled. you know, back in july, the city council here in l.a. voted to ban medical marijuana dispensaries. we have 1,000 of them. they were supposed to close, until tens of thousands of signatures were collect and the stores are going to remain open. it turns out, circulating a petition is the only thing pot smokers aren't too lazy to do. and they did it. and the city council responded, and they voted 11-2 to overturn the ban. this is really -- it's great news for the thousands of people who suffer from fake back pain, fake neck pain, fake sleep disorders. also great news for the makers
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of chex party mix. meanwhile, in colorado, veterinarians there are saying they've seen an increase in the number of docks being brought in for treatment because they're high. the number of dogs being treated for pot consumption has quadrupled since medical marijuana was legalized in colorado 12 years ago. they say there's been a huge increase in the number of dogs streaming the movie "harold and kumar" on netflix. this is how you can tell if your dog is stoned. do they lounge around all day? will they eat anything they put in front of them? are they mesmerized by stupid things? if so, you may have a stoned dog. in your house. you may have a snoop dogg in your home. [ laughter ] hey, speaking of things that stoners do. there's a show on channel called tru tv called bait car. this is a show -- police bant bait cars. i love this stuff. unlocked cars, put cameras in them and when a criminal gets in the car, they have a remote, they can lock the door and they kill the engine and capture the
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criminal. last night in the season premiere, they captured their first fan. >> car is away southbond, driver's door is open. he's keeping the door open. >> when the bait car door is leapt open, that items us he knows it's a bait car. it's dangerous. they may run. >> i know -- i already knew. y'all ain't fooling nobody. full tank of gas -- come on. i'm over this [ bleep ]. whoa. aw! ha-ha. already knew it. already knew it. >> don't move, don't move. put your hands up. >> i already knew. >> how did you know? >> because i watch the show. >> jimmy: well, there you go. [ applause ] legally, you're not allowed to arrest if he knew. he seems very happy. is it possible he thinks he's on "cash cab?"
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? the sixth and final season of "jersey shore" premieres tomorrow night on mtv. "jersey shore" was an instant hit when it premiered back in 2009. still one of the most popular shows on cable, but the kids are moving on to other things, snooki had a baby, the situation is in geneva working on the particle accelerator, i think. so, mtv is pulling out all the stops. >> if you love [ bleep ] -- >> on the "jersey shore"! >> get ready for season six of "jersey shore," featuring more grade-a [ bleep ] that you can stuff in your brain hole. you ignorant [ bleep ] head. your favorite [ bleep ] morons are back, doing all the stupid [ bleep ] idiots love. stupid [ bleep ] "jersey shore." >> yes! >> all new episodes on mtv, the place for [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: i this i they need to talk to the people in their promo department. [ applause ] here is something i'm surprised
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we haven't seen on "jersey shore" yet. have you heard of an activity called butt chugging? college kids are funneling alcohol into their butts. so, a few weeks ago at the university of tennessee, about alleged incident sent a member of a fraternity to the hospital, his name is alexander. he was allegedly butt chugging wine, which adds a little class to it. his blood alcohol content was .4, which is five times the legal limit to drive. that's -- he was very, very drunk. which caused a big commotion at the hospital. so, the university suspended his fraternity indefinitely. but alexander, the fraternity and now their attorney deny there was any butt chugging at all and the result of all this was perhaps the greatest press conference of all time. >> i informed him that the reason that i was there was to ask him whether or not he had been involved in an activity
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called butt chugging. and he looked at me le i had lost my mind. and said, what is that? and, ladies and gentlemen, that is the first time that he had ever heard of the two words butt chugging, which have now become two famous words across the united states and across the world. >> jimmy: they have? [ laughter ] across the world? [ applause ] are you trying to tell me that they're talking about butt chugging in cambodia right now? [ laughter ] and it didn't end there. there's one more thing the kid wanted his lawyer to mention. >> mr. broten, scotch, denies each and every allegation whatsoever, that has been inferred that he may be a gay man. he is a straight man and he
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thinks that the idea and the concept of butt chugging is absolutely repulsive. >> jimmy: well, thank you for clearing that up. mr.redenbacher. might be the worst e-harmony ad ever. this is an exciting new inventi invention. this is from studio kg, they have offices in spain and switzerland and they have come up with something called the ostrich pillow. >> hi. we're studio kg. and we created the ostrich pillow. perfect companion to nap pretty much everywhere. good for an express power nap at work or for a good snooze on a long distance jet. >> jimmy: it's perfect for people that love to sleep at the airport but don't love to take care of their belongings. what a product. we're too busy butt chugging in america to think of that. and guillermo, i'm told that the ostrich pillow inspired you to come up with a product of your
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own. >> yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: i'm told that at your own expense you hired a film crew to help you kind of promote this thing? >> yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: and i'm told that we have that concept video and we're able to show it to everyone tonight. >> yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you, guillermo. good work. >> hi, we're studio guillermo and we created the pinata pillow. it's a perfect companion to take a nap pretty much anywhere. be it for an express power nap at work. or a good snooze on a long distance jet. >> order now and receive a pin yat that sports cup absolutely free. not for use at children's parties. >> jimmy: candy in there. thank you, guillermo. we have a good show for you tonight. alan arkin is here. we have music from garbage.
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and we'll be right back with amy poehler, so stick around. [ male announcer ] it's here! it's the 20th edition of monopoly at mcdonald's and 1 in 4 wins. with over 300 million dollars in cash and great prizes, it's the most prizes ever. and that's hard to beat. the simple joy of winning. ♪
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[ male announcer ] one in six. that's how many struggle with hunger in america. ♪ but what if there was a simple way to feed those in need? now, there is. shop walmart for select brands' low prices through october 12th and you help secure meals for local families. go to and learn more about how you can join the fight. because hunger is a big problem and it needs a big answer. because hunger is a big problem i'm here to snake the drain. i'm here to flush the pipe. vo: liquid plumr double impact has a long snake that reaches deep in the pipe to grab the toughest clogs, and a powerful gel to finish off the rest. baby. liquid plumr double impact.
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close shave and haircut fan for the ceiling. you're gonna cool off that hoooounddd! tonight you gotta get your cash back, on new slacks. use freedom on lunch with jack. everybody get! everybody get! get your cash back. chase freedom.
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[ male announcer ] why do more emergency workers everywhere trust duracell...?? duralock power preserve. locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. now...guaranteed. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere.
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. tonight on the program, an academy award winning actor who, starting october 12th, you can see alongside the beautiful ben afflict in the new movie "aborg" allen aboan arkin is here. and then, with music from their first album in eight years, it's called "not your kind of people." garbage from the bud light outdoor stage. make sure to join us tomorrow night too. zac efron will be here, as will jack black, kyle gass and their band tenacious d. it seems appropriate to welcome
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a guest who makes a living pretending to be a selfless public servant. she is the very funny star of the show "parks and recreation" which airs thursday nights on nbc. please welcome america's favorite amy -- amy poehler. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. hi, guys. >> jimmy: how's it going? >> good, thank you, thank you so much for having me. you look great. you look very skinny. >> jimmy: i haven't been eating. >> that's how it works. >> jimmy: seems to do the trick. you were very funny at the emmy awards. >> you were. >> jimmy: you snatched a moment that could be disappointing and you won it into gold, didn't you? >> well, for those 10 or 15 people that didn't watch the emmy awards, julia louis-dreyfus and i did a bit where, when she won, she pretended -- we hugged and she pretended to take my
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speech by accident, so, she started reading my speech by accident. and it was all julia's idea. she called me the day of the emmys and said, i have this idea, do you want to do it with me, i think you're going to win, i said, i think you're going to win, so, we decided if either one of us won, we would do the bit. >> jimmy: did you feel worried you were jinxing yourselves? >> well, you know, jimmy, when you lose seven times, you don't give a crap anymore. >> jimmy: is it possible that julia called every one of the other nominees and said, i think you're going to win, oh, i think you're going to win and prepared this with each one of them? >> no way. julia, like me, enjoys a good bit. >> jimmy: there's nothing better than a good bit. >> i agree. because it's supposed to be a night of celebration, i'm happy to be there and the rest of it is just gravy. >> jimmy: as you know, i also lost on emmy night and i was really, honestly, i was planning
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to throw my parents out if i lost and i was hoping we would lose so i could throw them out of the theater. which was a weird position to be in, rooting against yourself. >> well, that is when julia won i was like, yes, i got to do my bit. >> jimmy: i think that is a good way of looking at it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: tonight, with the presidential debate, did you watch any of it? >> no, i haven't yet. >> jimmy: okay, well -- what's it like when you are working on "saturday night live" and this happens? wednesday night -- >> right, so, this is -- when presidential debates happen, it's when i miss "snl" the most. it used to be 40 comedy writers in a room -- >> jimmy: 40? >> i'm exaggerating. >> maybe like 20 comedy writers moving fast and we would order food and watch the debates and it was like a sporting event and it's really fun to watch political stuff with funny people. >> jimmy: and you are hoping bad thing, even though you love your country, you're hoping that the two guys behave like imbeseals? >> i wish they would do bits.
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i have -- you know, i'm sure -- people here in the audience have probably waited tables at some point. you would have -- i would have fantasies that i would just do something really bad, like, i would pour food on the guy that was being a jerk to me. >> jimmy: impulses. >> yeah. and i imagine that it's so stressful that they must have fantasies about what they could do to screw it up. and i also have those fantasies. i think about what -- like, if the president came out in, just, like, opened with a song. [ laughter ] a real, like, ja si song about what he's going to talk about. i don't know. >> jimmy: that would be spectacular. >> i know. i haven't watched the debates yet but i'm hoping that barack is, like, wearing a red leather suit. i want him to wear the delirious suit that eddie murray wore. wouldn't be it amazing if he came out in a full red leather suit and never commented on it. i would be just like -- >> jimmy: that would be good.
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it's funny, because -- >> the economy. >> jimmy: if mitt romney did it, it would be almost more disturbing. >> it would be great. but i mean -- but -- it would be just great if romney just told, like, sang, like, a really slow choral poem. i don't know. i think about these things sometimes. >> jimmy: well, you might want to send them a letter. you -- you have a website that you're involved with, or, do you own the website? >> it's a channel on youtube, called smart girls at the party. >> jimmy: right. [ applause ] >> thank you. and it's -- it's a new channel, we have all different kinds of shows an content there and it's a great place to go, if you are a young person, to check out. comedy and -- >> jimmy: it's not just all comedy. you give like good advice to young girls. >> well, i -- i have this show called "ask amy," which i do two-minute, two-camera advice moments. >> jimmy: and these are things,
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questions people e-mail to you? >> yeah, we get great e-mails all over the world from young people so i try to answer them very honestly and under two minutes and try not to ramble and try my best to just, i don't know. >> jimmy: which is good, because most of the women that, young girls see on television, are imbeciles, true? >> your words, not mine. >> jimmy: maybe not most. >> i actually try to talk to a version of myself when i was that age, like, what i would have liked to have heard. >> jimmy: and some of the questions that you've been asked are, like -- >> what do i do if i don't like how i look or, i'm anxious when i go to parties or, you know, i -- i fell down and i'm embarrassed, like, small. >> jimmy: do you do any research or answer -- >> i don't do any research. i have very -- i am a profess n professional actor and an unlicensed therapist so i have zero -- but i do just try to speak from the heart. >> jimmy: i see. what we've done, we asked some of the teenage girls of the staff members. >> dicky: >> oh, there's a lot
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of teenage staff members? that's weird. >> jimmy: no, no, the daughters -- >> oh, okay, good. >> jimmy: is it okay to shoplift as long as i do it from a foreign-owned store? [ laughter ] >> you know, whenever you start a question with, "is it okay," the answer is usually no, you know what i mean? i feel like you already know -- >> jimmy: that's really good advice. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: okay. is it true you can dissolve a dead body with lime? i don't know what's going on with these kids. >> yeah. kids these days with the internet, i mean -- >> jimmy: what about butt chugging? where do you stand on butt chugging? >> i stand firm. i stand firm. >> jimmy: against, for? >> what i liked the best about that press conference is, he said butt chugging is popular all over the world. i was like, i don't know. kind of reaching a little bit. >> jimmy: they're not thinking about this in africa, i promise you there's no -- >> i don't think they are. >> jimmy: did you do dumb stuff when you were a kid?
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>> yeah. well, there was a moment when i was younger where me and my fifth grade best friend, she brought in -- someone -- she didn't, but a kid in our school brought in handcuffs, guess his dad was a cop. i grew in a very blue collar town where everybody had hand cups. and we handcuffed ourselves to each other and, like, threw away the key by accident. and then we spent the whole day handcuffed together. >> jimmy: was it terrible? >> no, it was awesome. because i loved attention as a little kid and i was just like, stop looking at me, i can't believe you guys are, like, so concerned with my handcuffs. and then some, like, stupid teacher found the key, like, you know, like, in the middle of the day and ruined everything. don't findkeys, teachers. >> jimmy: "parks and recreation" is a very funny show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: things are going well on the show, i presume? >> yeah, it's a dream job. we're in season five and we're
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so excited to be back and i love everybody. >> jimmy: you had john mccain on the show. >> that's right. my old acting buddy. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> we've bit the boards many times. >> jimmy: do you have any private moments with him? are there any private moments with him? >> well -- private moments in life? >> jimmy: you know what i'm saying. >> well, we got to act together in "snl" and had to do a lifetime movie parody and we took a shower together. that's a private moment. >> jimmy: that's pretty private. >> he's a really fun and always game and him and a bunch of senators did stuff on your show and it was really great to have him. >> jimmy: do you think he's watching the debates tonight with a single tear streaming down his face as he looks at mooime mitt romney? >> no, he's probably watching with a single malt. and he's probably very excited that he's not there. i can't imagine how stressful that would be. >> jimmy: great to see you. thank you for coming. always a pleasure. amy poehler, her show is called
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"parks and rex rage." thursday nights at 9:30 on nbc. we'll be right back with alan arkin. let's see if we can get one past the defense. hut! go! here it comes! right on the numbers! boom! get it! spin! oh, nice hands! chest bump. ugh! good job, man. nice! okay, halftime. now, this is my favorite play. oh! i'm wide open. oh, fumble. fumble. don't want to fumble any of these. [ male announcer ] share what you love, with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. it's up... and it's good! good?! they're grrreat! so i get claritin clear. this is all bayberry. bayberry pollen. very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. live claritin clear.
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boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts, more events, more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with the citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ] silverado! the most dependable, longest lasting, full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ] i'll take it.
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[ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $8,000. hurry in before they're all gone! for just 20 bucks. only the best dishes make the menu. it's a southwest showdown. the chefs are coming out choppin'! you can taste the tension in the room! this is really distracting. [ berman ] they're throwing everything at each other -- chipotle, chopped cilantro! do you always do this? i just can't turn it off. must be exhausting. [ berman ] new southwest entrees, part of applebee's 2 for $20 lineup. perfect for game day or every day. see you tomorrow. and see you late night for half-priced apps.
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perfect for game day or every day. "there's stylish." "there's functional." "and then, there's both." "erika tsubaki is a big fan of both." "that's what she and her team had in mind when they designed the all new ford escape." "with more cargo space than before, wrapped in a brand new body." "the tech-savvy, ready-for-adventure, all new, twenty thirteen ford escape." "it's what happens when you go further." i mean we've been here for five hours and it only feels like four. it feels like four tops. this year, we're finally getting everything... ...that we didn't get last year.
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yeah. big screen! true 4g. yup. sfx: bing! hey, what did you just do? i just sent him a playlist. by touching phones? yup, simple as that. it's the galaxy s3. i'll see you at the studio later. later. when do you think we're going to be able to... do that thing? on the next one? vo: the next big thing is already here. the samsung galaxy s3. is the same frequent heartburn treatment as prilosec otc. now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. now why make a flavored heartburn pill? because this is america. and we don't just make things you want, like a spoon fork. spray cheese. and jeans made out of sweatpants. so grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.
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it's the 20th edition of monopoly at mcdonald's and 1 in 4 wins. with over 300 million dollars in cash and great prizes, it's the most prizes ever. and that's hard to beat. the simple joy of winning. ♪ wow, you look terrific! [ female announcer ] crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. crest glamorous white toothpaste. for a smile so white, you won't just be the ex-girlfriend. you'll be the one that got away.
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jshg welcome back. sti still to come, music from garbage. our next guest is an academy award-winning actor who has appeared in more than 80 motion pictures, among them "little miss sunshine," "the in-laws," "glengarry glen ross" and the new movie "argo." >> okay, you got six people hiding out in a town of, what, 4 million people all whom chant "death to america" all the live long day. you want to set up a movie in a week. you want to lie to hollywood, a town where everybody lies for a living. then, you're going to sneak 007 over here into a country who
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wants cia blood on their breakfast cereal and you're going to watch the brady pbunch out of the most watched city in the world. >> plus 100 militia at the airport. >> right. i got to tell you -- we did suicide missions in the army that had better odds than this. >> reporter: "argo" opens in theaters october 12th. please welcome alan arkin. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this one's closer. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: how are you? great to have you here. >> i'm alive. i'm well and alive. >> jimmy: it's a pleasure to meet you. i found out you live in new mexico now. i did not expect that. i figured you'd be in new york or something. >> why? >> jimmy: seems like you're a new yorker. >> i was bosh in new yorn in ne. that's the best i could give it.
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ing that's it. where do you live in new mexico? >> far away. >> jimmy: how did you wind up there? >> well, i worked there at a dude ranch when i was in my teens. i spent a couple of summers there. it was the happiest time of my life up until then. i didn't go back for 40 years. a friend of mine moved there, he said, come an visit. we went there for a week and fell madly in love with it again and there we are. >> jimmy: wow. i was reading through your memoir, i don't know if you mind if i mention it, "an improvised life." and i did not know you were one of the founding members of second city. >> yeah. >> jimmy: the famous improv comedy group. amy poehler came out of second city. >> yeah. >> jimmy: she owes a debt to you in a way. >> she owes a great debt to me. >> jimmy: she didn't try to repay it, though, i'm guessing. this movie is terrific. you did a great job in it, too. such a great story and it is executed so well. and, did you enjoy working with
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ben affleck? >> until he started doing imitations of me. [ laughter ] he drove my slightly nuts. >> jimmy: how long before he started imitating you? >> it took him about three seconds. >> jimmy: three seconds, yeah? >> but he's -- i said when i saw the first cut, this is going to put him in the ranks of the great american directors. >> jimmy: i agree with you. i agree with you. [ applause ] and when people -- do people often imitate you when they meet you? >> no, he and kevin pollack. but kevin pollack does me so well that he's left messages as me on my answering machine, i thought it was me. when did i say that? >> jimmy: why am i calling myself? do people -- what do people -- you've been in so many movies. what do people mention to you most when they see you or meet you? >> they look at me and they say, "i know you from somewhere" and
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i say, "yeah, i come around here a lot." >> jimmy: i was watching -- i saw "the inlaws" recently and there's a great seen where you are running and -- >>er t er thturpentine -- >> with peter faulk. he didn't want to do that scene. >> jimmy: why? >> he comes in this morning, he said, this scene is no good. we were very close. so, i grabbed him by the throat and i said, "shut up! shut up and do the damn scene." he said, okay, he backed up. and for 20 years, people, every time it's on, they say, serpentine. >> jimmy: ich movie did you have the most fun? >> "the godfather." >> jimmy: really? why? [ applause ] wait >> wait a minute. >> jimmy: you weren't in "the godfather." >> "gone with the wind."
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that's what i meant. there's 10 or 12. i'm embarrassed to say, maybe i don't have a lot -- >> jimmy: let's go through each of your movies. let's start from the beginning, if we could. >> that would take a good three minutes. >> jimmy: no, there are a lot of movies and nothing -- is there an actor or director that you've always wanted to work with that you -- >> they're all dead. >> jimmy: they're all dead now? >> i always wanted to work with sydney lamen. he came to me at a banquet once, about three foot tall, looked up at me, he said, mr. arkin, can i ask you a question? i said, sure. he said, i've offered you parts in three movies and you turned me down three times why? i said, because i would rather work with you than any director working in the united states and i didn't feel like i could score at any of those parts. chances are, if i work with you, it will only be once and when i
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do, i want to score. he said, well, okay, i understand. and a month later, he handed me a script for a television series, which i didn't want to do, particularly, but i couldn't turn down the idea of working with him. it was a great part and so i got to work with him for two years, which, every moment of which was just great. >> jimmy: what series was that? >> called "100 center street." >> jimmy: okay. so, did you feel like i scored in that particular role? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: well, that's -- >> and i had a great time with him. it was -- >> jimmy: there's a great story in the book about groucho marx. >> coming to see me at second city. we had a crew teen where i played krush chef and somebody else was playing kennedy and we fielded questions from the audience. we knew we were in for trouble because we knew he was in the audience. and i wore kind of a workman's hat and there was -- this was the time -- it was the height of
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the cold car. so, we got asked a lot of serious questions, which we answered humorously. >> jimmy: the audience would chime in and ask questions. >> the hand goes up, it's his hind mr. khrushchev. i said, yes? where did you get that hat? i answered the question. boom, his happened goes up again. he said, what size is that hat? he goes on for 15 minutes about the damn hat. and after 15 -- we were all completely cracking up on the stage. we ran off the stage. >> jimmy: what a thrill that is. you got to spend time with him? >> he ended up being a friend. and i loved him. i was crazy about him. >> jimmy: he's a guy i wish i had a chance to meet. >> he was very humble. when i would compliment him, he would wave me away, say, if it wasn't for my brothers, i would have been nothing. >> jimmy: wow, that's something. i disagree with him. >> yeah. but going out to dinner with him was like being in a movie. he would entertain everybody in the restaurant.
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>> jimmy: he's one of those guys, yeah. well, great to have you here. really did. you did a great job in the movie. i hope everybody goes to see it. it's called "argo." it's in theaters friday, october 12th. alan arkin, everybody. we'll be right back with music from garbage.
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>> jimmy: this is their new cd, it's called "not your kind of people." here with the song "control," garbage! ♪ ♪ the world might end the night might fall rain on down and cover us all ♪ ♪ and drown us with the burdens of our sins maybe i'll look you in the eye ♪ ♪ tell you you don't wanna die maybe i'll hold my breath and jump right in ♪ ♪ maybe i'll hold my breath and jump right in ♪
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♪ i never saw you coming from inside my little prison your autograph would really buy me time ♪ ♪ if you think you are the reason give me something to believe in ♪ ♪ it's always darkest right before the dawn it's always darkest right before the dawn ♪ ♪ i confess i've lost control i let my guard down i let my truth out ♪ ♪ oh i confess i've lost control i let my guard down i let my truth out ♪ ♪
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♪ the final celebration a bad hallucination flip a coin and see which way i fall ♪ ♪ the shark tail is singing we love to watch him killing and suffer through a never ending day ♪ ♪ suffer through a never ending day ♪ ♪ i can feel i've lost control i let my guard down i let the truth out ♪ ♪ oh i can feel i've lost control i let my guard down ♪ ♪ and i let my truth out ♪ i was trapped like
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an animal in my skin i was punished like an animal for my sins ♪ ♪ i was blind i was caged and i was tricked and i was suffocating i was suffocating ♪ ♪ i can feel i've lost control control control ♪ ♪ i can feel i've lost control control ♪ i can feel i've lost control ♪ ♪ oh i can feel feel my hunger feel my hunger ♪ ♪ i can feel i've lost control ♪ live loi've lost control ♪
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♪ i was suffocating ♪ i was suffocating >> jimmy: i want to thank amy poehler, alan arkin. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, zac efron, jack black & kyle gass and music from tenacious d. their this is their new cd, it's called "not your kind of people." playing us off the air with "blood for poppies", see the full performance at, once again, garbage! good night!


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